Lady Kulsoom SA Binte Ali AS
اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد
🌸Hazrat Umme Kulsoom is the daughter of Hazrat Ali ibne Ab-talib(as) and Shehzadi Fatema Zehra (as)
🌸She is the sister of Imam Hasan(as) and Imam Hussain(as) who loved and care for her.
🌸Janab e Umme Kulsoom(sa) was one year younger
then her sister Hazrat Zainab(so), and like Hazrat Zainab(sa) she was a Noble, brave and believing
woman Jonab e Umme Kulsoom(sa) like her sister Janab e Zainab(sa), faced Adversity Difficulties and Hardships with great courage and fortitude.
🌸In her childhood she Faced Griefs and sadness when
her Grandfather Hazrat Mohammed Mustofa passed away and her Mother Shehzadi Fatema zehrolus) was Martyred.
🌸Umme Kulscomis.a) was married to her cousin Aun Bin Jafar Tayyar Janabe Aun was the brother of Bibi Zainab(sa) husband Abdullah and nephew of Imam Ali(as)
🌸When Imam Hussain(as) refused to swear Allegiance to yozid (lanatullah) and talked of leaving Madinah Umme Kulscom(sa) set out a journey with her Brother Imam Hussain(as) and went to Karbala with brother
🌸She had seen all the griefs and events of Karbala with her own eyes, after the Martyrdom of Imam e Hussain(as) she too went to kufa with a caravan of Captives
She protected the childrens all the way
The atmosphere in Kufa was strange people were celebrating by killing Imam Hussain(as)
Janab e Umme Kulsoomis.o) while giving a Sermon
in kufa said to the people of Kufa.
"O'People of Kufa God's curse be upon you. You killed the Prophet's grandson, looted his property and
took his family prisoner May God take away his mercy from you.
Do you know how great a sin you have committed?
Do you know whose blood you have shed?
are you crying now?
You have killed the Beloved of the Messenger of
God and The best Man among the people and have
token his family captive. Mercy is gone from your heart.
Know that those who follow the footsteps of Satan will always be at a loss"
Silence fell on the people of kufa and they started
weeping ofter hearing the sermon of Janabe
Umme Kulsum (s.a)
After that Janab e Umme Kulsoom(s) recited such
poems which made everyone present there weep
Now be ready to answer the Messenger of God on
the day of the resurrection. Through her sermon, Umme Kusoom(so) shook the conscience of the people
Humiliated and Disgraced the enemy and conveyed
the Message of Imam a Hussain(as) to the people.
Peace be upon You
Shehzadi Umme Kulsoom o Millions of Salom to you and your Patience Khwahr e Hussain(as)
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