Imam Ali's perception of Allah

My favorite words by a servant to Allah are: ‘O’
Allah, there is no god but you. O’ Allah, I worship
none but you. O’ Allah, I don’t associate any
partners with you. O’ Allah, I wronged myself, so
forgive me from my sins, for none can forgive
sins but you.”
Al-Musanaf by Abi Shayba (29522)

The oneness of Allah cannot be described
beautifully and perfectly by anyone but by Ameer
ul Momineen (As). According to Ameer ul
Momineen (As) it is the biggest asset of a believer
in difficult times. The Inter-Textual reference for
this Hadees is provided below from the Sermons
of Imam Ali (As) in Nehjul Balagha:

“I stand witness that there is no god but Allah the
One. He has no like. My testimony has been
tested in its frankness, and its essence is our
belief. We shall cling to it for ever till we live and
shall store it facing the tribulations that overtake
us because it is the foundation stone of Belief
(iman) and the first step towards good actions
and Divine pleasure. It is the means to keep Satan
