Many years ago, in the city of Rome lived a lady named Saleel. The eldest, wisest and the smartest daughter of her father. She, in her young age, got to know about Islam and started believing in the Prophet and used to love him alot. 

She took the long journey from Rome to Arab to fulfill her wish of visiting the Prophet in his holy city. She was attracted by Medina so much that she forgot about her home and started living there only. 

Her belief and purity gradually became the talk of the people. As a result, many men of Medina dreamed of marrying her. Imam Ali Naqi also sent the proposal to her. As she knew that he is a descendent of Holy Prophet, she agreed happily. After marriage, she came to the home of Imam. 

Saleel started living happily with Imam and was delighted of having the world's most pure and greatest man as her husband. 

One day Imam informed her, "O pious lady, soon Allah will grant you a son who is going to be a Hujjat for this world."

Saleel became extremely happy and started waiting for the day impatiently. She even in her loneliness used to think about the son. Days later, she felt that the promise of Imam is going to be fulfilled. 

But she had no one familiar in that city. At the moment when delivery was near, she went to the grave of the Prophet. Standing there she whispered, "I am the wife of your son, You know, I don't have anyone in this city, who can assist me at the time of birth. I ask you for help, You request to God on my behalf."

She then offered two units of prayers and returned to her home. When Imam saw her condition he recognised that the time of delivery is near. He bacme happy and called his relatives. 

Some ladies of bani Hashim came to assist Saleel. Imam became busy with his prayers when someone knocked at the door and said, "O the descendant of the Prophet, Congratulations of having a baby boy." Imam prostrated in gratitude and took his son in his arms. Imam said azan and iqamat in the ears of the baby. It was the day of Friday, dated 8th Rabi us Sanu 232 hijri. When people asked about the name of the baby, he informed that his name is Hasan AS.

